1. Raise the Knife
2. Where Are You Now?
3. Take Away My Pain
4. You or Me
5. Anna Lee
6. Burning My Soul
1. The Way It Used To Be
2. Lines In the Sand
3. Just Let Me Breathe
4. Peruvian Skies
5. Trial of Tears
1. Cover My Eyes
2. Hollow Years
3. New Millenium
4. Speak To Me
5. Metropolis Pt. 2
1. Raise the Knife
2. Where Are You Now?
3. Take Away My Pain
4. You or Me
5. Anna Lee
6. Burning My Soul
7. The Way It Used To Be
8. Lines In the Sand
1. Just Let Me Breathe
2. Peruvian Skies
3. Trial of Tears
4. Cover My Eyes
5. Hollow Years
6. New Millenium
7. Speak To Me
8. Metropolis Pt. 2